Our Parents
Mary and Stephen Pronko
Stephen Pronko – born 28 January 1911 in Olyphant, PA.
John playing the violin for brother David Stephen (born in 1947)
Baby sister Cynthia Mary and John
Cynthia, Peter, (the dogs Heidi and Cleo), and John
Circa 1957
Pete, Steve, David, John, and Cynthia
Cynthia, Steve, Mary, John, Peter, and David
2004 – Peter, John, David, and Cynthia
2017 – Peter, Cynthia, John, and David
Our parents, Steve and Mary Pronko
Steve died on 4 Oct 2003 at the age of 92 years and Mary died on 1 May 2004 at the age of 89 years. Both died peacefully of natural causes.